Friday, October 17, 2014

Beyond just ok... Holistically Healthy

       Well, Someone once asked me, if you could do anything, and had all the money in the world, what would you do?

        I would write.

        So Here I go. Doing it anyways. I am going to write. Why? Because to me writing is breathing, it's just something that happens.

        My passion, the thing I love the most, besides writing, that is, is health. But health these days seems to be a number on a scale of looking like a fashion doll. I am neither of those things. I am a person, with desires and beliefs. I have this whole big map of what my life is "sposed" to look like, then I have the reality I have created or bought into. Tony Robbins calls this our blue print versus our Life conditions. Boy does it make a lot of sense to me!

        So Why Holistic? And what does that mean anyways?

        Holistic means every part. Why? Because if one part is off, the rest will feel it. In a car its the engine that needs everything to work well to run perfectly, some things can be off and you can be ok, but if any one thing goes too far off, then Kaput! You are not going anywhere!

      So what am I planning to do here? Yes, I have a plan. The best laid plans, of mice and men, must be flexible and fun to make sure it gets done! My plan is to share. I will put personal, and I will put fun, and we will learn how to substitute the not so good for the great, and turn ourselves around one day at a time from our finances to our cholesterol, from our relationships to our self-care. Let's rock and roll!

     Namaste, Love and Light, Better and Better,

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