Friday, November 7, 2014

It all starts upstairs, in the little black box of the mind

Here we come upon the holiday season. We live in a time when the holidays no longer represent the season change and the welcoming of the gifts of life, freedom and the ability to have our own choices, but rather they are indicative of children and even adults feeling more entitled, and if they don't get the material things they want they feel disrespected and disconnected, Why is that? 

It's all about belief. 

We believe... What do we believe? 

I heard the phrase "it's the thought that counts", numerous times growing up as a kid. It wasn't the actual food, the actual gift, the actual thing you were doing during the time given, but the thought behind it, some may call it the intention. 

But what happens when your child or your spouse thinks the intention is to get something for yourself, you know the old story, you buy the blender you want for your husband this Christmas because you will use it to make him things to right? 

Or to hurt them or deprive them in some way? You've heard of the girl that got made at her parents because they bought the wrong brand of jeans and she swore they were out to get her right? 

Then they, by their belief ruin the holidays for everyone! 

As a mom what do I do to stave off the whole idea of entitlement and to foster a spirit of giving?

We downplay the receiving! 

I spend a month with my kids talking about what they are going to give to each other, what they are going to give to someone in the community, and the gift they are giving to themselves. 

My kids may make lists but it is never because I ask them to. Instead I pick one day to look at magazines, and ads to shop for their siblings, then we brain storm other things, such as experiences, meals, feelings, and so many other things that we have to look forward to. We even downplay the candy!

And it works. My holidays are fairly low stress due to this attitude of intention, it's never about the gifts, and while those are fun we create experiences to enjoy and rock out with, times to spend together making meals, talking, laughing and having fun. 

We may not have a lot of things but we are rich without measure because we have skills and abilities to help ourselves and others and we never give that up, and we have experiences that make our lives full and rich. 

Love to all and as we get ready for the upcoming holidays I will post more ways to make this a great holiday without stress! 

want some one on one strategies for keeping the holidays lower stress? Call me at 325 220 1691 for a free one on one consult!

May your health continue, 

Love and Light


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