Monday, November 24, 2014

Gratitude, progress and moment-um

There is this conspiracy going on in the universe.
Look around you! You will see it.
It's is the conspiracy of the universe to make everything go your way, just right. Serious!
Just look. Whens the last time you looked at all the things that are going just your way if you would just pay attention to them!

An Attitude of Gratitude lifts you up! Seriously! DO I NEED TO YELL IT! LOL.

Seriously. I see the universe bringing me so many gifts, but, BUT...

Only when I am looking for it. If I am looking for all the crap being dumped on me, and asking why is all this crap being dumped on me by golly my brain is goona tell me because maybe I deserve that crap. BUT If I simply change seats for a minute, climb up on the teachers desk and say hy! Look! It's not so bad down there. It looks like crap but really it's all this good stuff that you just have to look at it from up here, then hey! The banana peel is made to look good but only from the outside. If all the goo and yuck were on the outside, and it felt gross to pick it up, how many bananas would you eat? Yeah, me too! But if you look at things the right way, it changes everything.

So gratitude then is the key, to changing things, but not only is the attitude of gratitude importnat, so is the progress we make. See happiness =progress. So if we are so grateful we have come from where we were, then heck no one would be able to burst our bubble because hey look, i went from there to here. I am getting better. I am looking better, feeling better, thinking better. If this continues I might just get where I want, but wait!There's more!

It goes faster! The more you go, and the more grateful you get, then the faster it builds.

The faster it builds, the more progress you make, and the more grateful you get, and then boom! It grows again! it builds and builds and builds on itself!

Don't stop beleivin! Keep on swimming! You can do this! You rock!.

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