Wednesday, November 26, 2014

It all started with a thought.

Well actually the thought was more of a question.

Only one question. I thought and thought and thought on this question.

How do I help them. How do I see them here, so small, so young, so unaware of how to shift thier minds and states. They know how but to know when!

When they are sad.

But now, I have started to answer those questions.

I want people to get happy.

It's not about anything but a sheer desire to help. Hear more about it here!

What's Happening San Angelo with Samantha Watkins

Thanks so much for listening!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Gratitude, progress and moment-um

There is this conspiracy going on in the universe.
Look around you! You will see it.
It's is the conspiracy of the universe to make everything go your way, just right. Serious!
Just look. Whens the last time you looked at all the things that are going just your way if you would just pay attention to them!

An Attitude of Gratitude lifts you up! Seriously! DO I NEED TO YELL IT! LOL.

Seriously. I see the universe bringing me so many gifts, but, BUT...

Only when I am looking for it. If I am looking for all the crap being dumped on me, and asking why is all this crap being dumped on me by golly my brain is goona tell me because maybe I deserve that crap. BUT If I simply change seats for a minute, climb up on the teachers desk and say hy! Look! It's not so bad down there. It looks like crap but really it's all this good stuff that you just have to look at it from up here, then hey! The banana peel is made to look good but only from the outside. If all the goo and yuck were on the outside, and it felt gross to pick it up, how many bananas would you eat? Yeah, me too! But if you look at things the right way, it changes everything.

So gratitude then is the key, to changing things, but not only is the attitude of gratitude importnat, so is the progress we make. See happiness =progress. So if we are so grateful we have come from where we were, then heck no one would be able to burst our bubble because hey look, i went from there to here. I am getting better. I am looking better, feeling better, thinking better. If this continues I might just get where I want, but wait!There's more!

It goes faster! The more you go, and the more grateful you get, then the faster it builds.

The faster it builds, the more progress you make, and the more grateful you get, and then boom! It grows again! it builds and builds and builds on itself!

Don't stop beleivin! Keep on swimming! You can do this! You rock!.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Right time, wrong stuff =pain!?!?!?!

So here I am, starting to get my feet wet with my health coaching. It's a great thing. I love to help people and see them start a whole new life, and claim a whole new you right?

I get to teach them about cooking the right way, and about eating the right way, and about how to create more space for healthy things in their lives while having fun and eating great food! I love that!

But here I am doing the right thing but in a way it's a little painful.

I am not really ready. My kids are little, and it's hard to not be there for their dinners and recitals. They get it. They are totally cool with it. I on the other hand, am hurting a little, because even though I am doing the right thing, it feels like the wrong time.

Our timing isn't external.
To look at my situation you would say it is the right time. I need money, and I need a way to support myself. I need to be able to be there for my kids too. I have this thought of how long I should be here, and what I should be doing.

My timing inside says no, this is the wrong time to be doing this. I should be there. But I know I need to be training and working first, to feed them, and that is more important then watching them sing. Besides I know I can get the private concert later :)

So here I go, off to train, knowing I have excellent people watching over my sweet babies, while I move into a new time. A time to reap, soon, so soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rule checking vs mind reading: healthy relationships

If he loved me, if she respected me... we may not utter nary the word, but we sure do think it in our minds, whether it is subconscious or conscious, and it reflects in our bodies, our tone of voice, and our actions toward each other. If we think this way then why is it we think that they, whoever they may be, whether it be a loved one, a spouse, a boy friend or our boss, should get why we are upset? Do they know our rules?  We set ourselves up for a crash! Boom! Bang! We expect them to read our minds!

If he loved me he wouldn't even look at another woman! I have heard this from many women.

If she loved me she would understand I am a guy, guys look, they talk, but as long as I don;t touch right?


This puts us at a flatline! The relationship is then very much in question, and we wonder why they don't get it!

We feel like the way we think is not important because I mean after all they should understand! Right???

Again, wrong.

They don't understand.

Have you ever seen a greeting card?

The people that create and print those magnificent creations They also have a perfect sense of color. When you say blue they put things in place for the perfect blue, they know all the way from bright white to cream with every shade in between, but us? We see our version of white. What ever that is. We say white and the person we say it to sees white as well, but maybe, possibly , if we put the two side by side one would actually not even seem white! hat would be minute little differences that take white to a totally different shade or color!

So how does this relate to relating?

Those minute details, such as If He really loved me he wouldn't talk to me like that, or I she really loved me she would cook dinner and clean up every night, without presences and communication with each other are simply mind reading, which is close to impossible because we are so focused on what rule of ours is being violated we forget there is a whole other person involved. We are using this violation as a way to feel important, I mean of course I am important, what I feel is important to me if not anyone else! We use it to connect to ourselves and those important feelings!, We use it to gt variety, i mean we can't focus on what other people need all day! I we use it to create a safe place to feel our feelings of rage and hostility, even if it means disconnecting from that other person because I mean how dare they think differently then me!

At this point I find myself giggling at how absurd this all sounds, but also know how true it is that we feel this way, or close to it!

So what is another way?

How do we move from mind reading into communicating?

First we have to stop focusing on ourselves and the wrongs we think have happened, and then we have to be curious. Yes find curiosity! Pull out the Sherlock hat and the magnifying glass and look for clues as to WHY the person MAY just be acting the way they are acting! Find out, with curiosity using questions like, hey, I am curious, and be curious. You can try to fake it and it might work for a while but  really you need to find your curious and take it out of judgement and attack and really be curious about how to create the wonderful lasting relationship you want! You deserve ! You absolutely crave!

When you get out of judgement and get into curious you can find all kinds of great things and ask all kinds of new questions and uncover a brand new level of relationship you never thought was possible, that stress less relationship will improve your health like you wouldn't believe!
Were talking a stronger heart! I am talking an improved immune system, and so many other things including more stable blood sugars!

Try it, Get curious people!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Let's talk about health Baby!, Let's talk about you and me,

and all the good things and the bad things that may be.. Let's talk about Health!

I was talking to a good friend of mine today who is an awesome coach over at Open Heart Mind Coaching and she was asking me about life. We got onto a topic that is always near and dear to my heart, Health.

When I was young I was always sick, and my mom was always sick, and my sister wasn't. I couldn't believe she could eat anything and do anything and she was fine! I chalked it up to me being more like my mom and her being more like my dad that way. But that nagging in the back of my head didn't stop there. I had to know WHY!

OK, so I went to books, and tapes, and college classes, I went to seminars and webinars and learned to read the amazing thing called technical jargon that psychologists and medical doctor write in, and OMG!

What I have found is it all starts in one simple spot. A thought.

So what have I done about it? I have created a thought process that is completely different then the one I had, and now, despite a run in with an 18 wheeler and then a NDE, I am healthy and strong, like you wouldn't believe!

 I wasn't always there. It took lots and lots of focus in the right direction and some changes that happened here and there and everywhere that took me to different places, but wow! What a ride!

After  conversation I had with Anita Moorjani  I knew it was possible to come back from a NDE and be just fine, but I didn't! I was mad. I had to look at WHY! Why would she get the good stuff and i be stuck with suffering?

Because I thought that's what I should get!

I thought, because I had almost died I had to be sick. I had to be the ill one so people would take care of me, otherwise known as I would be important, or at least think I was important. I wasn't. I was a burden! Yes you read it right! I was a burden to all of them. My kids, my husband. My father. I had to find a way out.

I had to take responsibility for my actions, my attitudes, and my focus, and now I have to teach my kids that same thing. I was wrong so I taught them wrong. Now I have moved past this entitled attitude, and they must also. In the bigger picture it is reflected that so many people have this same attitude of entitlement.

So then what is health? It is a body the reflects the thoughts of personal responsibility, that shows up with a wholeness in all things, in integrity and passion. It is telling others thank you for your opinion but I want to check in with myself first! It is being the voice in your head and heart that rule the day and rule the mind with love, and compassion, rather then violence and the inflated egos need for unearned respect.

Healthy is Happy most of all.

Love and Light


Monday, November 10, 2014

Get up for health's sake!

I sit, wayyyyyy to much!

That's right. I told you. I sit  on my butt too much!
I write and publish and it involves my sitting on my butt. I don't like that. BUT I love writing.

What's a girl to do right?

To be honest, it's all about the little things.

Like how and where I have my desk.

A little change could be standing while I write, but what does this have to do with anything?

How does it affect our health when we sit so much?

1. Our hearts have to work harder when we sit all the time. The legs are our biggest muscles, and when we move our legs it actually helps pump our blood and this cool stuff that carries our immune system called lymph, around our bodies. Walking for just 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference in your mood, and in your heart health. It's sort of like saying hey lets clean up in here, and then walking around and enjoying to get it done.

2. It helps us become more focused. When we are walking it increases our oxygen levels, which then increases our mood. Not that it's the only thing is does but movement, no matter if it's walking, yoga, anything at all! Even Sex! Will increase all the great hormones and chemicals we have a habit of getting artificially from our diet with great honest to goodness real deal ones that are doing the right things in the right proportions.

3. It cleans your blood. When you walk or move it raises your blood pressure naturally, and it helps the liver, the kidneys, the everything! When you move and drink plenty of fluids not only does this clean things out but it also put the right nutrients in the right places IF you have them in your body. But why is this important? To get it you need to understand the roles of fat.

What did you think fat was just a pillow to use or a way to keep warm on a cold day?
No way! Fat is amazing! Fat actually makes up our cell walls and does other awesome stuff like buffer us from toxins.

TOXINS! Yuck! when you see Mr yuck, do you remember him? That funny looking little guy? Yeah, you know if he is on something it's not a good thing, it will make you sick!
Well lets say that you have lots of things around you that should have Mr. yuck on them. the problem is we don't react instantly, that is because you have this awesome thing called a liver, but when we have too many toxins coming at us all at once our liver gets overloaded. That means we have all these toxins floating around affecting our organs and our brain is one of those. so we get brain fog and mental side effects, that is until the liver packs the extra toxins up in fat and sends  it to be STORED! yes we hold onto some off these toxins, not because we should but because we can't deal with them right now because there are too many and we need to put them away til we can deal with it.

You know what I mean, we have all had the one thing we didn't want to deal with and so we set it aside right? Maybe your too tired and those dishes are going to take waaaaaayyyyyy too much energy to wash, so you wait. You just set them aside.

Enter the shark music, dun dun, dundun, dun dun dun...

The dishes sit and you are tired, but you wait too long and you get hungry again, you still have clean dishes and so you get something else to eat. and so on, til you don't have space anymore, and lets say your still tired, and you still have more things coming in at you, and now even faster, and you have to put them some where! So you actually have friends come build space and you put the dishes in more and more places and before you know it you better just stop!


and thats what is happening with the toxins in our bodies, more and more things are coming into our blood streams through our food supply, our environment and....


Suddenly the image of scooby doo and Shaggy swings into my mind with their classic "huh?"

Scooby would then say "ruh Ro!"

Can you see it, all the toxins? And your body trying to deal with them all while you dish more in?

I could go on for days about the toxins around us, and will write more later, but for now just know that you have a little choice. just one, don't make too many at once, it's too hard to stick to. But one choice.

In your thoughts, those toxic thoughts, this one little switch will really make a difference.

Is it good for me and those around me? that's it! If it's good, like really good and going to benefit you and the people around you? GO FOR IT! if not? Don't do it.

What if  you get stuck in this anger because you can't do some thing because it's not good for you? Find a coach! I'm a coach and I know tons of coaches, so if you are looking for a coach email me what you are looking for! Honest I will respond. Go for it! We will get back to you and help you get over that little block.

If your one of the lucky few that said I have no resistance I can give up anything I want whenever I want, your lying! Put down the twinkie and look in the mirror at what denial loos like! quit kidding yourself!

OK honestly, if you are one of those people that says I am happy about everything and never do anything that isn't in the best interest of myself and others I applaud you. I have met few and far between, because we as people want to do what we want to do whether it's good for us or not, thus we have  a liver, to clear things up and clear things out, til it's too much. Don't make that fatal mistake of waiting til it's too late. Take back your power now! Call a coach, don't say I can't afford it, make yourself a priority, because right now your the best thing you have! And for some of you that ain't saying much!

OK, So take the thought of is this good for me and those around me and play with it, if you need help get help.. Make a plan, make a commitment, get the people you need around you so you have support!

Love to you,


Friday, November 7, 2014

It all starts upstairs, in the little black box of the mind

Here we come upon the holiday season. We live in a time when the holidays no longer represent the season change and the welcoming of the gifts of life, freedom and the ability to have our own choices, but rather they are indicative of children and even adults feeling more entitled, and if they don't get the material things they want they feel disrespected and disconnected, Why is that? 

It's all about belief. 

We believe... What do we believe? 

I heard the phrase "it's the thought that counts", numerous times growing up as a kid. It wasn't the actual food, the actual gift, the actual thing you were doing during the time given, but the thought behind it, some may call it the intention. 

But what happens when your child or your spouse thinks the intention is to get something for yourself, you know the old story, you buy the blender you want for your husband this Christmas because you will use it to make him things to right? 

Or to hurt them or deprive them in some way? You've heard of the girl that got made at her parents because they bought the wrong brand of jeans and she swore they were out to get her right? 

Then they, by their belief ruin the holidays for everyone! 

As a mom what do I do to stave off the whole idea of entitlement and to foster a spirit of giving?

We downplay the receiving! 

I spend a month with my kids talking about what they are going to give to each other, what they are going to give to someone in the community, and the gift they are giving to themselves. 

My kids may make lists but it is never because I ask them to. Instead I pick one day to look at magazines, and ads to shop for their siblings, then we brain storm other things, such as experiences, meals, feelings, and so many other things that we have to look forward to. We even downplay the candy!

And it works. My holidays are fairly low stress due to this attitude of intention, it's never about the gifts, and while those are fun we create experiences to enjoy and rock out with, times to spend together making meals, talking, laughing and having fun. 

We may not have a lot of things but we are rich without measure because we have skills and abilities to help ourselves and others and we never give that up, and we have experiences that make our lives full and rich. 

Love to all and as we get ready for the upcoming holidays I will post more ways to make this a great holiday without stress! 

want some one on one strategies for keeping the holidays lower stress? Call me at 325 220 1691 for a free one on one consult!

May your health continue, 

Love and Light


Friday, October 17, 2014

Beyond just ok... Holistically Healthy

       Well, Someone once asked me, if you could do anything, and had all the money in the world, what would you do?

        I would write.

        So Here I go. Doing it anyways. I am going to write. Why? Because to me writing is breathing, it's just something that happens.

        My passion, the thing I love the most, besides writing, that is, is health. But health these days seems to be a number on a scale of looking like a fashion doll. I am neither of those things. I am a person, with desires and beliefs. I have this whole big map of what my life is "sposed" to look like, then I have the reality I have created or bought into. Tony Robbins calls this our blue print versus our Life conditions. Boy does it make a lot of sense to me!

        So Why Holistic? And what does that mean anyways?

        Holistic means every part. Why? Because if one part is off, the rest will feel it. In a car its the engine that needs everything to work well to run perfectly, some things can be off and you can be ok, but if any one thing goes too far off, then Kaput! You are not going anywhere!

      So what am I planning to do here? Yes, I have a plan. The best laid plans, of mice and men, must be flexible and fun to make sure it gets done! My plan is to share. I will put personal, and I will put fun, and we will learn how to substitute the not so good for the great, and turn ourselves around one day at a time from our finances to our cholesterol, from our relationships to our self-care. Let's rock and roll!

     Namaste, Love and Light, Better and Better,

Like what your reading and want to find out more? Contact me at or 325 220 1691 voice or text. 

Check out my websites too! for the best skincare that actually tightens your skin! for whey protein from happy cows! for the best essential oils!
Thanks for your support.